
Are there any differences in TPE plastic extrusion equipment?


TPE, we call it thermoplastic elastomer material. The screw design used in elastomer plastic extruders is different from that of ordinary plastic extruders, because the plasticizing performance of our common TPE materials is worse than that of ordinary PVC plastic materials. Therefore, our common thermoplastic elastomer extruders look longer than ordinary plastic extruders. This is because we need to extend the plasticizing time of plastic to ensure the production quality of the product. The production process of TPE plastic products is the same as that of other plastics. The raw materials must be produced into the particles first, and then the particles can be processed into the product shape. For example, the production process of elastomer sealing strips and thermoplastic elastomer pipes is like this. When we choose equipment for production, we must determine the material and production process of the product. Jiangsu Qijie Machinery Co., Ltd. is a manufacturer specializing in the production of extruders, granulators, and twin-screw extruders. The equipment produced by the manufacturer includes rubber extruders. Friends in need can come to the company for inspection and visit or call us. 

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